

Ah, you see, we greatly

Differ on that point, I'm

Happier when the Autumn

Starts to appear and settle.


Something about the coolness

In air that is so refreshing, and

Having to put a few layers on,

It's so very comfortable to me.

There's of course the changing

Colors in the trees, and

All around the paysage,

Something about it all feels

To me a whole lot more

Pleasant to experience than

Sweltering, uncontrollable

Heat that comes in Summer.


I guess I'm a Nordic girl,

Give me -5 C to 15 C all

Year and I'd be happy as

Happy can be, I'm serious.

Seems to me easier to get

Some sort of control on

Your temperature when

It's cold than when it's hot.

Heat makes me totally

Miserable, I find it awful.


And nah, air conditioning

Is a no-go for me, gives me

Headaches and makes me

Breathe funny after a while.

Natural cool air's way better.


So yeah, Autumn is near,

And I think it's great, but

I understand how you feel,

Even though our seasons

Of dislike are opposite:

You're chipper for Summer,

And I'm full of mehs for it,

While you're full of mehs

For Autumn, I'm all chipper.

It's funny that how we feel.


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 4 times
Written on 2024-09-20 at 01:06

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Almost everybody prefers autumn to summer, except me. I'm fine with that.