After hearing about
Another race related crime
I decided to write this


What if there were no whites,
Walking about on the streets.
Would someone think it wasn't right,
To see a white man out at night.

Would every colour think about us,
Lowering there heads in disgust.
Or think that's it's all the rage,
To have a whitey for a slave.

I think not,
I think they'd be more tolerate of us.
I often wonder what would they think,
Living next to a white in their streets.

You know colour's have never bothered me,
I always thought they were beautiful you see.
For colour's are around us everywhere,
Not just in the colour's of the world,
But in everything we do and see.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 27 times
Written on 2024-09-22 at 00:14

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
How brilliant a comment that is from 'R.W.S' ! I wanted to remark on your poem too, but she has virtually said everything for me. So I have two bravos' - one for you and one for RWS. Blessings, Allen

R.W.S. The PoetBay support member heart!
I read this and felt sad, but it made me think. While it is true that some people can be cruel, still others possess a great capacity to love- no matter the colour, shape, size or whatever else. People can also learn and adapt, though lately, it seems to be a lost skill or something.

I pray for the peace and safety of all colours.