The Iconic Nirvana photo from the "Never mind" album.
The Arms dealers never lose.

Never mind...

One nation declaring a state of war
That is its reason to wantonly kill
Looking over its shoulder for sure
Big brothers assistance is at will

The weapon supply becomes endless
As hands of friendship grab the dollar bill
There's money to make from others battles
Closed eyes and minds, but still...

Those weapons sold used against them
The rise of the turning worm is complete
For theirs is the power and the glory
Found within the transgressors defeat

But big brother invades these new victors
Captured weapons is the prize by the Tonne
Unused they will bring such a pretty price
When the next battle in the East has begun

The support is there until the money runs out
In the stolen State or the land of the Robbed
But in the "free" world we pay them no heed
Yet, in their blood our dollar is daubed

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 26 times
Written on 2024-09-21 at 15:38

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
To me, I think it must be a 'special' type of person why can commence armed aggression after having the natural (?) forethought that innocent people, children, will suffer as a consequence. And suffer they will, uncontrollably, indefinitely, and erroneously. What is the point of that? Where is the justification? Where do you draw the line? Where can there be any real justification?
Thank you for a wonderfully thought provoking poem. Blessings, Allen

jim The PoetBay support member heart!
As it has been it will always be—
One alpha male time and time again . . .