when it starts but never explodes

There are rules, there are laws. In the laws, there are the laws of men and the laws of God and probably also the physical laws...

The rules in games do not make athletes, I mean better athletes but if the rules change, maybe other athletes with a more suitable physiognomy to these new rules will be better than those who played under the old rules. Ex: basketball players are tall and have an advantage over those who are small.

The laws of men do not improve men, we do not become super citizens because we do not break the laws of a city just as you don't become a Formula 1 driver because you've never broken the highway code.

The laws of God, they are supposed to promise you eternal life. God, an entity however inimitable, perfect, omnipotent and the observance of these laws are supposed to make you better and close to perfection...

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 27 times
Written on 2024-09-21 at 18:08

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IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Bien exprimé, ce texte... j'aime les réflexions que t'apportes. Voici les pensées qui me viennent suite à ma lecture.

Le contraste entre les règlements humains (pour l'ordre) et les règlements divins (pour une promesse de récompense pour avoir été pieux) est très grand à mes yeux. Un a plus de sens que l'autre à mes yeux, tu t'en doutes. Je ne crois pas que de suivre les uns ou les autres règlements a un impact sur le sens moral d'une personne. En tout cas, ce n'est ni un ni l'autre qui crée ce sens chez quelqu'un, à mon avis. Blablabla... je radotte. En tout cas, tu me fais penser comme d'habitude et j'aime bien.. merci.