This is just a tongue in cheek observation of an undoubtedly serious issue.

What if?...

Now if there had been a dreadful mistake
Perhaps a slip of the writers pen
A different path we then could take
The 2nd amendment needing written again

History would surely indicate the facts
That American English is flawed
Phonetic spelling somehow detracts
From pure English handed down by the Gods

Not withstanding the errors we make
Confusion can and does abound
intended or not we make a mistake
And our future is on shaky ground

By moving the "E" in that single word
In the Bill of Rights as noted
Could make the law seem less absurd
To those geniuses for whom we voted

To mention it in simplistic charms
With the truth we cannot flirt
if you want the right to still "Bare arms"
Then buy yourself a short-sleeved shirt!

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 39 times
Written on 2024-09-23 at 10:33

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IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh yes, if only, eh? That 2nd amendment is sooo difficult to understand for me, how some hold on to it for dear life, it seems. Really don't get that feeling, but it's evidently something that exists.

Very much enjoy your proposition here, thanks.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
A most beneficial correction!