Totally Universal

I can describe life

with pinecones, oaks & granite;

with haymaking, games & hepatitis;

with country roads & nylon stockings,

the Ark of the Covenant & cave graffiti;

with going overboard,

going under & in vain


I can read Robinson Jeffers

& William Carlos Williams;

push on & ease off

but the body remains packed

with immediacies,

impossible to hide from:


bp this morning 150/89,

but tonight 112/64


The cold warms in a defiant way


I wish I could leave alone

everything that has to do with existence;

see time run out and the view clear;

let my feet crackle

in the funeral pyre

and all chakras burst

in turn or all at once

in everything that makes death worth dying:


to be truly alone & totally universal

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 27 times
Written on 2024-09-23 at 11:06

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