Now we cannot use the possessive adjective (pronoun) "My" as in my wife/husband as it suggests ownership of the other individual.

Too easily offended...

When speaking of our relationship
I would refer to my partner in life
To all who know us it is the view
That I'm her husband and she, my wife

But pronouns that possess the descriptive
Are offensive to the "Language police"
Words that suggest possession
Are forbidden without release

Instead we shall call them the missus
Or perhaps say the other half
Identify them as an equal partner
Belonging not to or with, or staff

But should I enlist in the army
And the call to war comes high
Will it be for me or your country
That I lay down MY life and die?

**In this all too easily offended society we live in today I have discovered one simple thing...
I may offend you because I am not offended by everything that offends you. I find that offensive.

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 23 times
Written on 2024-09-26 at 20:05

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I suppose you could say:

"A wife that happens to be married to me."

But even the term "wife" becomes suspect, it implies something incomplete by itself.

There is no winning.