The history of the Middle East spreads over millennia. Fingers of accusation seemingly pointed (always in the same direction). The Powers that be claim to be powerless and the never-ending roll of death increases by the hour.

None so blind...

A year has passed and it still goes on
Fire filled hatred falls from the skies
The rights or wrongs of either side
Equal to those enemies they despise

The casual observers, if there is such a thing
load the dice for the side that they chose
Biased "neutrality" is their call to peace
Innocents left in such deathly throes

The Eagle has landed on the Israel side
Missiles are endless in its supply
A call for a ceasefire just for the Media and Press
Hoodwinking their public in what they deny

The Day of Atonement forever draws near
But Ancient sins are so hard to absolve
So continue the killing, it just adds to the list
In a war you can never resolve.

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 35 times
Written on 2024-10-06 at 11:11

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