About as random as my mind gets :-)

Ultracrepidarian Twattling.. (Obsolete words Challenge)

N'er such a Blatteroon am I
As I tell thee this tale I know
Of the Bawcock with a mare to sell
And the Aeolis that was all for show

As pompous does, he snootily eyed
The fine mare and its owner proud
"I say dear chap, that bag of bones
Wears not a saddle but a horsey shroud"

The Bawcock proceeded satisdictionally
To give account of the steeds pedigree
"My man your money could afford her not
And of that I am sure you'll agree"

Slightly aghast and open mouthed
The grumbletonian he now became
"My wealth it is without question
Ask anyone, just mention my name"

"I have looked this old nag over
such a Callipygian shape she does hold
Perhaps the qualities of a Peg Puff
But she may plough, if truth be told"

"I ask no more than four guineas for her
'Though she is surely worth ten time more
She will plough your field and your neighbours too
just make sure you lock the stable door"

"I'll give you 2 guineas and you'll shake my hand
For we know that the deal is but done"
They both agreed and exchanged the sale
Before the setting of the falling sun

But that Bawcock was a Snollygoster in truth
And a careful plan he had put into place
He had heard that the other was a Slugabed
That was a truth he could not erase

Retiring for the evening to bed
The Aoelist stabled the Mare with some hay
But forgetting to bolt the stable door
The horse escaped and was soon far away

Quickly it returned to its old stable Yard
As the Snollygoster knew that it would
The Aoelist lost his claims at Court
Such is the law that only a few understood

Possession they say is nine tenths of the law
And although in good faith the Snollygoster had traded
He knew that the mare would make its return
And the Aoelists claims had quickly faded

There is a moral in this tale I tell
Lessons must be learned from such transactions
Please be aware of such Cacoethes as those
That allow your mind these costly distractions.

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 51 times
Written on 2024-10-06 at 12:16

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Wonderful excogitations that may result in curglaff and yet remain well and truly gorgonised!

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks Liam.