Morning Routine
The morning
is a heavy resistance movement of the ragged,
the corrosion of every small, pitiful unit of time
with fragments of dreams & body;
with slow steps in a barefoot hallway
The clock is already too little,
and out in the yard gathers a murmuring crowd
of apprehensions
Death is fat & vain;
perhaps expecting something grand & magnificent,
but will do just fine
with any mundane routine;
a couple of glossy-coated kittens storming the heavens
through the house
and a line of unimpeachable age reasons
The transience we crave;
the impermanence we long for,
may furnish a hollowed-out living with darkness in the tunnel,
while the shabby, worn-out entrails may hiss & gurgle
in consensus
at the end of the day
The last buzz of the housefly
in October’s window ledge
becomes, moreover, a splendid Schwedisches Requiem;
intermittent, broken into long pauses,
without any rumbling timpani
I am still the fruit
of the phantasms of a raging whim
and an unfathomable number of supernovae’s cascading vomit
Existence is perhaps, when all is said and done,
a pissant & a day fine
Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin
Read 71 times
Written on 2024-10-13 at 10:39
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