The USA has finally told Israel that AID must get through to the people of Gaza. Israel has said no. Will the USA response be, oh! ok then, carry on.

When a warning is a meaningless threat...

Give support to those you hurt
Or I swear we will take away ours
Help them recover from the beatings you gave
Hatred is a beast that continually devours

Give them aid to recover their lives
back to the meagre existence they had
All they want is a for better life
When the one they had, it weren't so bad

Lets get back to the way things were
Our support and patience grows thin
The endless supplies we provided to you
Raises objection from our voices within

Give Aid and support to their victims of war
You are wrong as you were oft before
But we will continue to give all that you need
If this warning WE both choose to ignore.

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 28 times
Written on 2024-10-16 at 09:50

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