science and religion

what does science say: the universe has an end, the solar system too, we grow old and then we die...we are limited from birth....
what does religion say: that eternity exists, that there is a G-d, that paradise is possible!
so I conclude that science announces bad news but before we can be healed but we shall die while religion announces good news : at the very end we should live...
so, you have the choice between an unprovable optimism (but isn't it a bit the definition of optimism: a vow on the future) or a pessimism proven by facts and science...
it tells the passage between childhood and adulthood? but do we really leave childhood to grow ? After all, we are always the child of our parents!

Poetry by alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 39 times
Written on 2024-10-26 at 09:54

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