From RESON (random V from third stage)


Contemplating dying, I'm not concerned about “my self”; I feel sorry for my hands, sorry for my feet; for everything in between! I often sit back and listen to the madrigal of my hands; its ten voices, and I watch, attentively, my feet with their ten little drummer boys pounding the path. I listen, in awe, to their chief; the bass drum inside the rib cage; insistent, fierce, enduring and I hear the wheezing of the rivers and streams of the cardiovascular matrix, while from afar, inside my Vipashyana practice, I see my thoughts butterfly about over the summery meadow of mind, which registers, in the distance, a motorbike gearing up out on the highway in a remote auditive likeness of a housefly behind the curtain deep in someone's recollection of childhood, and downstairs Glenn Gould is humming over his keyboard where The Goldberg Variations reside.

Words by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 64 times
Written on 2024-10-29 at 17:22

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