Just because we think it to be doesn't make it so.

Idealism (an Acrostic)...

I n these lands of the considered "free"
D emocracy is for those who lead
E ach to their own or so it is said
A ll together in this dream that we feed
L isten to the cries of those who have not
I n your world could they ever be
S atisfied by the life that they got
M ay be true but then not to me

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 38 times
Written on 2024-12-12 at 16:30

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If I may add something
Maybe reality is just another illusion fixed with equations moré stable that all living illusions put in it

arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
This can be applied to many things. Like the ideal Christmas. It's one of those events that can be the spawning ground for a child, if memory serves. And even more grown up it can, if allowed. As for democracy - it is a together dream, a dream of many. Which I feel as time moves on is something that could never be- doomed from the start. But that's just me. :-)