Aunt Lizzy's whiskers
Tickled my lips
When forced to endure
Her slobbery kiss.

I would shudder.

She meant well though
See, she didn't know
How I dreaded family
Get-togethers with her.

I would shake.

My protestations
Were always over-ruled.
I was forced to go.
Aunt Lizzy drooled.

I would tremble.

Her kiss on my cheek
Came as she pressed
A coin in my hand.
'Buy yourself something nice.'

I would smile.


© Griffonner 2024

Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 4 times
Written on 2024-12-21 at 11:04

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
I was just the same and had an Aunt just like that! We would visit all the known relatives within a 50-mile radius over the holidays and 'us' kids would get some small present, usually, a 'lazy gift' of crisp legal tender (to us was magic)!