A Tale of Three Presidents and a Nation of Morons

A man who was better than the people he served, an educated,
Intelligent man, at once a farmer and engineer, has died. Not
Many people care. He had dared to utter truths, to say the nation
Wasn't well, to label nagging problems complicated, which,
In fact, they were, and everybody turned on him. As soon as
They could send him home they did, and, in his place they put
A man they loved, a stupid man, who told them what they longed
To hear: "nothing's wrong with you; it's them, and every problem
That we have is simple when you look at it." His words were
Music to the ears of all his fellow simpletons. The problems were
Not solved. They just grew worse, but all still loved the man.
He had to leave, and died at last, but, now, as his bright predecessor
Joins him at rest in the ground, the nation eagerly awaits another
Brainless head of state, someone who's proven he's no better
Than the dopes he'll lead.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 37 times
Written on 2024-12-31 at 23:39

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