This was a start to a story that I should have
Written long ago
As nighttime begins to call.
Banshees start wailing,
Signalling the rain to fall.
Nighttime starts to flutter,
As the moon shines through.
The trolls begin to scurry,
The witches stir their brew.
It's said that autumn fell to sleep to soon,
That made the angels weep.
Allowing jack frost to sprinkle snow dust,
Putting hibernating critters fast asleep.
For this was a nuclear winter,
How many years had passed.
Since the missiles fell silent,
Around the globe they felt the blast.
Mankind did the unthinkable,
When they were at the pinnacle.
Of understanding one another.
Instead of thinking, brother killed brother.
I digress for this where the story starts,
Were I have so much to tell.
It started after the bombs were dropped,
There was peace in the valley of the meld.
Where waspet and cheeslet's ran free,
Fluffy clouds were tethered to the ground.
Under the stars they were slept in,
Happiness and harmony was all around.
The treacle mines were always open,
As was the flower mills under the ground.
For outsiders it would be a strange place to see,
So many critters living as one all around.
It was a wonderful place to be alive,
Even the fireflies lite up the night.
To watch the flummox bellow and snort,
Was such a wonderful sight.
For here in the valley of the meld,
Somehow sheltered from the outside world.
Day had turned to night,
So as I climb aboard my fluffy cloud.
As I covered my firefly light,
I have only one more thing to say goodnight.
Poetry by Alan J Ripley
Read 38 times
Written on 2025-01-20 at 15:04
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Written long ago
Prologue valley of the meld
Darkness descends,As nighttime begins to call.
Banshees start wailing,
Signalling the rain to fall.
Nighttime starts to flutter,
As the moon shines through.
The trolls begin to scurry,
The witches stir their brew.
It's said that autumn fell to sleep to soon,
That made the angels weep.
Allowing jack frost to sprinkle snow dust,
Putting hibernating critters fast asleep.
For this was a nuclear winter,
How many years had passed.
Since the missiles fell silent,
Around the globe they felt the blast.
Mankind did the unthinkable,
When they were at the pinnacle.
Of understanding one another.
Instead of thinking, brother killed brother.
I digress for this where the story starts,
Were I have so much to tell.
It started after the bombs were dropped,
There was peace in the valley of the meld.
Where waspet and cheeslet's ran free,
Fluffy clouds were tethered to the ground.
Under the stars they were slept in,
Happiness and harmony was all around.
The treacle mines were always open,
As was the flower mills under the ground.
For outsiders it would be a strange place to see,
So many critters living as one all around.
It was a wonderful place to be alive,
Even the fireflies lite up the night.
To watch the flummox bellow and snort,
Was such a wonderful sight.
For here in the valley of the meld,
Somehow sheltered from the outside world.
Day had turned to night,
So as I climb aboard my fluffy cloud.
As I covered my firefly light,
I have only one more thing to say goodnight.
Poetry by Alan J Ripley

Read 38 times
Written on 2025-01-20 at 15:04