Winter Went

Winter went wandering along somewhere cold and blue

Shivering rafts of stars cast their shadows upon attic windows shuttered

From drafty river fogs scattering humours of Night about the countryside

Towns dimly lit under memorial drifts of falling clouds of snow

Covering thoughts and dreams as though to freeze the moment in time

Lost inside the frames of pictures gone-by the world

Moving swiftly still in it's tracks, in the utter silence of so much noise

Somewhere cold and blue, Winter went wandering along . . .

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 61 times
Written on 2025-01-19 at 01:08

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
So nice.

Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautifully descriptive writing that ends with the reader wanting more.
Thank you for sharing.