(Food) Courtly Love

The raiment of a troubadour appeals, but isn't cut for me,
A schlub romancing someone's wife at lunch inside a fast food
Restaurant. Yes, I'd say I love you truly, and I find you beautiful,
And regal, even, in your cashmere sweater and some clingy
Jeans, but I can't summon honeyed phrases of the sort those
Guys would use, and I have never touched a lute. Then again,
I hear no echoes of the witty trobairitz in your complaints about
Your husband or your humid whisper when you say, "Let's go
To bed."


Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 45 times
Written on 2025-02-10 at 23:49

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
A deceptively fine poem, with a nice subversive meaning; a good one Lawrence.