All of mine are at risk and I am pissed

Kee 's Blood is Boiling

I am angry at the lies
Angry at the blasphemy
Angry at the fantasy salacious
Of those who scheme

To use as an excuse for destruction
Of progress made over decades
In the name of DEI crucifixion
So those can take

With slight of hand
Distracting with the chaos created
So we don't notice branded
Taking of the rights associated

With the directed hand grab
In the name of liberty
Liberty for wealthy scraps
Of opportunities deleted

Every news story sane wipes
Where the insanity seems normal
While the underhanded burglary
Of all we hold dear is swiped

There is a dangerous fury brewing
As my children's safety is at risk
Purely for political screwing
Bending us over with an expectant dick

Red flags waving told me
Rebirth of bigotry is erupting
As if it was not always a hidden scream
Only this time it is mine getting fucked

All of mine are at risk
Especially the ones targeted
For Hand made tales tasked
With the demolition wrapped

In deliberate attempts
lies directed for control
Of everything spent
To protect my birth patrol

Poetry by Kee Zealy The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 27 times
Written on 2025-02-14 at 15:01

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
What is happening
Is world wide
NO cuntery is safe now
NO one is safe
Kenny D.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
An emotive write. I send positive thoughts for a favourable outcome in this time of great upheaval. Blessings, Allen