Pleasing Chelsea

Chelsea, of course, is a creature of habit. Are others also?
A serious question. The point is that I, her irascible
Suitor, must act with some subtlety if I'm to usher her into
My clutches, and back to my home. She likes a good
Burger. That's fine. I will buy one, and fries and a milkshake,
And, as we walk here, I'll throw leftover pieces of bun
To the mallards. All will be placid, completely expected,
And she'll let me lead her past my ocher door to the crumb-
Littered table with which she's familiar, to my bed, with
Which she is not.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 30 times
Written on 2025-02-16 at 02:28

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Albert Vynckier The PoetBay support member heart!
Edgar Allan Poe and his people
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