Putin can have peace,
Any time he wants.
All he has to do is,
Get the hell out of the Ukraine.


This world is an amazing place,
If only we could learn to share.
To see love in all the smallest things,
With all the brightness each day brings.

The world seems full of hippocrites,
People that live of the fat of the land.
That would strip it bare,
Every chance that they can.

Trump must be of his rocker,
If he thinks Zelensky the monster.
Megalomaniacs of the world unite,
There's going to be a war tonight.

Issued by the likes of Putin and Trump,
Before the atomic bombs fill us with fear.
I hope their advisors give them a thump,
Or at least a clout round the ear.

Could someone please explain,
It wasn't Zelensky that invaded Ukraine.
It was Putin he's the one to blame,
Or has Donald Trump gone insane.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 29 times
Written on 2025-02-20 at 04:25

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Is it intuition or make-believe (I don't know which), but if you ask me he is diablo incarnate... seriously. The devil would come and stir the world into confusion and fear. See him for what he is before it is too late! Blessings, Allen