Mother's Day Never Struck Me as Much of a Holiday

The woman was not an exemplary
Mother. Anxious and garroulous,
Overprotective, she pushed me to do
Things which she'd hoped to do. She
Chased off my father in favor
Of some smarmy guy with more
Money, who strung her along,
But couldn't be bothered to divorce
His wife. Now 92, she exists in
Las Vegas, a specter who dozes all
Day on her couch, steps away from
A blaring TV. I called her last fall.
It was after my birthday, which she
Hadn't noticed. She seemed to be
Busy and said she'd call back. Five
Months have passed and the phone
Hasn't rung. I could call her, but would
There be a point? It's quite clear that
I've ceased to exist her mind, and, in turn,
She means nothing to me.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 24 times
Written on 2025-02-18 at 19:18

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Your emotive poem expressed a story that could have been interchangeable with my own, except I now speak of mine in the past tense . Today I wrote of her again. Each word is palliative and Time does have a soothing balm. Blessings, Allen