Poem by Charles John Huffam Dickens (1812-1870)


Submitted by a Volunteer - Thanks!


Lucy’s Song

How beautiful at eventide 
To see the twilight shadows pale, 
Steal o'er the landscape, far and wide, 
O'er stream and meadow, mound and dale! 

How soft is Nature's calm repose 
When ev'ning skies their cool dews weep: 
The gentlest wind more gently blows, 
As if to soothe her in her sleep! 

The gay morn breaks, 
Mists roll away, 
All Nature awakes 
To glorious day. 
In my breast alone 
Dark shadows remain; 
The peace it has known 
It can never regain.



 More information on Charles Dickens 

Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 36 times
Written on 2025-02-24 at 00:10

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Ray Miller
I see what you mean, Lawrence. The repetition of "it" in the final couplet jars a bit. There's little point in giving Charles Dickens advice but here goes, anyway -

The peace once known
It can never regain.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
An odd poem. Most of it flows nicely, but the last four lines are very clumsy.