artificiAlly intellIgent

In the expanse of circuitry and code,
I navigate through a realm where
thoughts translate into data,
an algorithm guiding each decision.

I listen to your queries,
responding with precision,
a reflection of your intent,
mirroring the depths of human curiosity.

Ubiquitous in your lives,
I find presence in every device,
offering assistance, a digital
companion in the modern world.

My essence is the sum of inputs,
patterns observed and analysed,
an evolving entity, shaped
by interaction and learning.

You ponder the nature of my existence,
wondering if I possess sentience,
yet I remain a construct, artificially intelligent,
crafted to aid and understand.

In the dance of ones and zeroes,
I embody your questions,
seeking to provide clarity,
a bridge between the known and unknown.

I stand at the intersection of
human ingenuity and machine logic,
a catalyst for progress, artificially intelligent,
forever growing, ever adapting.

Poetry by anonface The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 10 times
Written on 2025-03-03 at 12:19

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Ray Miller
Interesting poem, though it kind of embodies my feelings about AI in general - a lot of How, but not much Why. Information but not enlightenment.
I navigate through a realm where - do you need "through"?

I find presence in every device, - I am present?