Lesson 62

A selfish man’s selfish daughter
will not save you. Instead, she will
lambast the long winded explanations
you’ve used to keep your boat afloat, and
though you fear you’ll drown, you’ll fly instead.

Is there anything in your head?
Why are you such a child?
I will not mother you!

Love is supposed to be a freedom from
the bonds that bear you down. I mean
to be your wings, and not your worry.
Let me live in your servitude. All I ask-

All I ask is you never leave me, or even
utter those words, for I fear a slip of a letter
can turn to a word can turn to reality,
and I don’t want that. I (can’t) sleep in dread of it.

Poetry by Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 23 times
Written on 2025-02-24 at 05:16

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