In Advance


Like an insidious thought in advance

Sunsets uncanny as ghosts of a chance

Play in trees of some summers gone reprieve

Comes clattering  on cold, dark windowpanes

Emitting tricks of the light like so many tv screens

Turning on and off like memories of rain and night

When lightning laughs and strikes the weathervanes

Spinning webs of awful reveries that reverberate

An ancient brain sleeps in an aura of consciousness

Invertebrate similies surface like bubbles of oxygen breaking

Into prisms of weightless sunlight as night unthinking

Draws back with wings unseen as though to dance

With an insidious thought in advance


Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 17 times
Written on 2025-02-26 at 13:59

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