In Between Here & Now


All is whispery thin,

growls grow from within,

arguments shoot by in the distance,

the brain crackles like an old shortwave receiver,

my thoughts ring a bell

and life stops dead in its tracks,

in the manner of post-post-modernism

and a natural order of things

that's turning ever more synthetic


The fire escapes climb up & down

the dark silhouettes of Americana


There's an hour 'tween the second markings

of the bedside alarm clock,

and Bob Dylan observes

that ”sixty seconds can feel like an eternity”


My analogue radio set gasps with static

and John Cage's Empty Words;

silent bodies in beds everywhere,

the tenement hulls sailing the ocean of time,

eternity hiding in the wink of an eye


My name is a way with words

in a skin bag with malodorous entrails;

an eat- & shit machine of the highest order


Today rattles at the edges, bursts at the seams,

ain't what it seems


People are closed circuits in space,

with words on the verge

and tips of tongues


Old diaries make up for missed opportunities

and pissless four-hour Nobel dinners in Stockholm


Brains are growing in small rooms


Laughter shatters brittle skeletons


I'd rather enjoy a good gpt chat

than any friendly exchange

with anyone I know


Meanwhile, reputation wrinkles eyebrows

and brushes everything off


There's nowhere & anything

right there in pauses & breaks

in between here & now


This is a brief experience/expenditure

that seems to last way too long


The blind spots of my personality

have become numerous enough

to fill the Albert Hall

and all the cracks where the light seeps in,

while the persistent present remains

a spotless moment in Raga Mohanam's Alâpana

on Laxmi Subramaniam's violin,

filled with convincing doubts


The coffee is getting expensive,

I'm getting cheap


My teeth click shut

like a wolf trap


My head is a hard case


All is whispery thin,

growls grow from within,

arguments shoot by in the distance

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 5 times
Written on 2025-02-28 at 09:22

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Ray Miller
Maybe it does last way too long but I enjoyed the trip. I saw glimpses of The Beatles and Leonard Cohen as well as Dylan.