Lesson 66

The past is a foreign country
that often feels like home,
but unlike the hearth the past is barred
and you can never go. So,
you turn to reflection, you turn to sighs,
and string them together to a melody
you sing when walking past familiar signs
that lead to a place you can never return.

Time is hell, and hell is being able
to tell heaven existed, but only
once upon a time:
long ago.

Poetry by Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 15 times
Written on 2025-03-02 at 11:47

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Albert Vynckier The PoetBay support member heart!
ah the past, some live in it I suppose
i see three kinds of people
the ones who can't decides for themselves (they live in the past)
the ones who enjoy the pleasures (they live in the present)
the ones who manage (and live in the future)

but amongst them, who know their age?