Plain Jane

I had a sprightly little car. It rusted and wasn't much good
In the snow. I bought a German car which was. I liked its
Looks, its solid feel, and how it gamely let me toss it here
And there on twisty roads. Its motor died, so, now, I'm
Driving a suburban SUV. It isn't silver, gray or black, as are
The others you will see. It's red. That doesn't help too much.
It's boring looking as a neighbor's daughter, and it's dull to drive.
It runs. I will say that for it. It probably gets through the snow,
But I don't think I'll ever really like it, as I did those cars. I'll
Tolerate it. That's a thought that makes me rather sad.


Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 17 times
Written on 2025-03-02 at 18:48

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Mine. A four door pale blue Morris 1000; bought of a mate in Sydney: $50 for the car, $120 for the registration; be worth a bomb now.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Understandable to me. I once owned a 1939 Fiat 500 that had been rescued from a Malaysian defunct showroom somewhere or other. Talk about ahead of it's time! That was an understatement. I remember driving it, as was, through 9" snow with no problems. I doubt my present steed would manage half that depth even with chains. It's progress... or what we are brainwashed to think is progress. Blessings, Allen