Trolls and warmongers,
Their all the same.
It's never their fault, There's
always someone else to blame.
Let's put war's into perspective,
Hypothetically if Russia invaded
America: Would Trump feel the same?
If nobody came to his aid.
Or would he still blame the Ukraine.
If Putin is allowed to win,
The rest of mankind, Should
hold there heads in shame.
Putin should shake Trump by the hand,
For allowing Russia to steal the land.
If we all allowed tyrant's to win,
Yes I know around the world,
We have ( and still have ) a few.
If good people do nothing,
Then what are the rest off us to do?
I'm just one old not wiser man,
A pensioner with very little sway.
A pacifist in many ways from the UK.
Give me a gun and send me to the Ukraine,
For if we don't stand up against invaders,
That come knocking at our door;
What is peace worth living for.
No I don't think we should let Putin
have his say. If he doesn't get out of
the Ukraine, It should be up to all of us
To send him on his merry way.
And if you're a troll that wants to
have his say: Go ahead.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 28 times
Written on 2025-03-04 at 14:28

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks Alan; all you say I agree with, but I wouldn't be much use with a gun! I'd be a liability; but we can still express our opinions, and that is what we couldn't do in Russia.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I commend you for your stated determination. I'm sure there are a huge number of people who feel the way you do.
There are millions of good people in the world who feel powerless in the face of the chaos that is being created by evil people today. You may have had military training at some stage of your life, so you feel able to effectively use that gun you ask for. A huge number of unprepared people would simply be canon fodder and would likely be dead before they had even aimed a gun - their sacrifice posing no deterrent and certainly not giving the perpetrator of a war even a moments pause. Such is the mindlessness of the power obsessed war monger, who is usually the instigator of such evil.
Please excuse my lengthy comment, Alan. This is a piece that deserves considered appraisal, and I commend you for it.
Blessings, Allen