

greek god of the north wind



i want a lover as strong as this wind

lin   nearly blown off her feet


says as we cross the golden gate bridge afoot

beware of timidity   i say


then say again

the wind making it hard to hear


beware of incuriosity   she says

raising an imaginary glass of champagne 


halfway across the bridge i say   people jumped here

before they netted the thing 


are you tempted   she asks   

not today   i say


it's a cold four miles across and back   afterward

we find a bar and shop   


i mean prowl   window-shopping for me   

the real deal for her


hair the color of flame wants dousing

a warm body   a cool cat   


she writes on a napkin   timid need not apply 

                                     incurious   "       "       "


jabs it onto the dart board





Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 12 times
Written on 2025-03-05 at 19:59

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Ray Miller
i mean prowl - not sure what that's about, but the rest I found entertaining.