Unconscious Resolve



hungers for its Problem


The Problem collects Solutions

and giggles

like the one with Not a Care in Life


The End

craves its meager Beginnings


Ends & Beginnings swirl together,

talk dirty,

shrug sentient beings off


The Mountain

remembers the Ocean

that once called it the Isle


Time is a Slight Scent

that ever so softly intoxicates Ridges & Seas


Newborn are coins spinning on tabletops,

bound for the edge of Dry Land

and hard kitchen floors


Infants are cousins of Wood Warblers

in light-leafed groves of the North


Newly Dead

are already Ancients,

words in songs that nobody sings,

matter that don't matter,

'cept for manure

and the Transformation of Energy in Pyres


The Live & Bodied

are Gasps for Air

down the Suffocation of Days,

the Crawling Horrors f Night,

the Tearing & Clawing of Intermediate States,

the Dead Silence of Locked Libraries,

the Itch of Sentience touching Anything,

spared Nothing


Longitudes & Latitudes are Shortness of Breath

of Celestial Bodies;

their Coordinate Selves gathering dust

in Thinness of Sentience & Long Last Looks


Everything I see itches & bleeds


I bathe in Coniferous Forests,

wash in the heavy fragrance of Wild Rosemary

of Bear Marshes; loose myself


The Decades will wrap you,

the Centuries paint you black, forget you


When you're away,

each day is a threat of not coming back


The Days come so fast,

stepping on each other's feet, tumbling in,

making making sense very hard,

flickering through me like young girls' laughter,

steadily becoming more otherworldly,

as I dissolve into Existence's Unconscious Resolve


I lie back,

let my fingertips come together,

touching spider-walk lightly, moving impercepibly

before my Caucasian nose,

the slightly ticklish sensation

formulating the Center of the Cosmos, precisely,

with Nothing to Say




Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 23 times
Written on 2025-03-07 at 10:08

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Ray Miller
Yeah, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Reply to Ray Miller: Solution: Stop reading at that point!!

Ray Miller
Interesting read, but I think it goes on far too long. For my taste I'd end it on "hard kitchen floors".