Aureboletus projectellus II
Your thoughts are ribbed boletes;
low-lying biodiversity risks
twisting like lianas
around your widely witnessed obstinacy
You skeleton has long been outdated,
your fleshy stomach contradicts itself,
your knees rattle and cling
halfway down your gray-yellow shanks
Your long fingers thin themselves out
into your retouched past
One could name all sovereign states
surrounding you
One could even summon Bernard Heidsieck's VADUZ,
but dialing 911 for rhyming relief is futile;
now it's ChatGPT that applies
You shuffle around in ugly prose,
moisture creeps up to genital height above sea level
You lie in wait in my landfill armchair
in the nineteen sixty-seventh year after Christ
and fill up my reminiscences;
sucking on pens, looking incredibly good,
with fame eager in the timbre of your attack,
the Nobel Prize five decades ahead,
yet you build fears
and begin your lifelong pause
Your face itches,
wants to know more, wants to feel it succeeds at something
In pause mode, the universe expands uncontrollably,
the sun sags over the crust,
the silver cat claws the bannister
The wet snow seeps in
The cosmos settles into the couch
and lectures on ski slopes and cloud covers
In the northernmost Lapland, everything begins
Further south, everything takes hold of itself
Otherwise, no information is unfortunately available,
but the morning's preliminary lowest thought
is thought in Ubbyn Village
Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin

Read 11 times
Written on 2025-03-11 at 09:29