Happy Ending!


(The Swedish Government has declared that it wants to see the population of wolves in Sweden cut down to 170 individuals, which will effectively obliterate the species. In this poem, I turn that around, to observe that it is our species, Homo sapiens sapiens, that pose the threat – not the wolves!)



The number of individuals

of the invasive species Homo sapiens sapiens

in the Kingdom of Sweden

has now reached approximately 10,600,000


The Government and the Environmental Protection Agency

state in their latest report

that the number should be reduced

to a maximum of 170 individuals


Objections to this have been raised

by geneticists and the nature Conservation Society,

who point out the risk of inbreeding,

which will weaken the species' vitality


Despite these objections,

the Government intends to proceed

with its plans,

starting cautiously

by making voluntary ”withdrawal”

more attractive,

through generous financial compensation

as well as subsidies of up to fifty percent

for the acquisition of firearms

for self-regulation


The arms industry has, in this regard,

not been resting on its laurels,

as evidenced by its targeted ad campaigns

in all media,

with catchy slogans such as:

A good end to a bad life: Luger!


Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 4 times
Written on 2025-03-12 at 09:44

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!