Ignorant women's thoughts

Stubborn women are the ones who fail in marriage, and even in their relationships with relatives.

Women who lack emotional intelligence and flexibility in dealing with others are the ones who fail most in marriage.

1- Because she will engage in a tug-of-war and follow the voice of her selfishness to overcome it. In reality, she fails in the face of her husband's stubbornness and the stubbornness of those around her. Men become more stubborn in the face of a stubborn wife or sister, and soften in the face of a soft, cheerful woman.

2- A stubborn woman's energy is masculine, which alienates men. She is stupid and thinks that when she clings to her opinion and stands up to the storm, she will win.
She forgets that if she wins in opinion or position, she sees herself as having triumphed through her foolishness, but she loses a heart that once loved her.
She destroys children whose minds will not understand the meaning of destruction until later.

3. Many narratives and proverbs praise the gentle, soft, affectionate, fertile, and affable woman, even the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions after him. A woman who embraces her husband with gentleness and wisdom will make him adore her and cling to her.

4. A woman who absorbs her husband's anger when he's upset is a wise, sensible woman who builds a home that will last a lifetime. A woman who stands firm like a dry stick is one who will break and whose brokenness will never mend.

5. A stubborn woman who clings to her opinion and believes in the principle "I win and you lose" is destroying herself before destroying others. She lives a life full of regrets, the bitterness of which she will taste in this world and the hereafter.

6. From my experience in marital counseling, I've found that stubborn women end up in divorce and the failure of their family and social lives.

7. On her wedding night, the Bedouin woman gave her daughter a wonderful, tried-and-true piece of wisdom, a recipe confirmed by successful wives: "Be a slave to him, and he will be everything you want."

Men, like women, are kind, generous, and very forgiving.
However, a stubborn, hateful woman turns them into enemies.

Poetry by poet*salem
Read 10 times
Written on 2025-03-13 at 10:49

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