If a thousand years, Was like one year.
Then how should I live mine?
Would I stop to feel the morning breeze;
Or wonder if I would have the time,
To leave a smile upon this earth.
Or would a thousand years,
Flit through as though I wasn't there.
Would I leave a stamp upon this world?
If there was no one else who cared:
There are many things I'd like to do,
Before this earth is done, Or will I be
blown into oblivion by a wilting sun.
I'm not a man of means,
Although I guess if I could have been.
But that's not what my God had in store,
It would have been more than I wished;
If I had enough to feed the poor,
That and to stop the futility of war.
Instead I'm just an invisible,
Coasting through this land.
A smile is all I have to share,
For every woman child and man.
Maybe that's all that was needed
In God's final plan.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 34 times
Written on 2025-03-17 at 01:04

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
An excellent poem, Alan. I think the premise of your exploration is as old as... well, at least religion, but probably for ALL time: Fundamentally what is the purpose of life? That in itself is such a mystic thing as to be indefinable with any certainty, but for sure, if you put our egos to one side for a moment, giving people something pleasurable to smile about can only be a good and worthwhile thing however small a thing that seems. Blessings, Allen