True Beauty, Indeed (To The Number-Theorists)

True beauty, indeed (to the number-theorists),
reveals the distribution of the primes.
Beauty, too, is courage, the defiant fists
of a defender whom we praise in rhymes.

Beauty are oaths, that Prince Hector ofttimes
keeps shielding city, child, and princess bride;
or King Priam's grace for thoughtless Paris's crimes,
rather than wrath for his treach'rous regnocide.

What beauty is not, is Euclid mortified
if Riemann's Hypothesis's not in sight,
or the Zeta function's proof verified
(for the spread of primes) gives zero insight.

However, beauty is what frames your face:
which ev'n shames Helen of the Trojan race!

Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 36 times
Written on 2025-03-19 at 09:33

Tags Beauty  Primes  Riemann 

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