Postscript to Desultory Day


After I had eaten, I felt so much more engaged with life.
The chicken pieces in my teeth, the grease which coated
All my fingers, well-gnawed bones in piles next to pools
Of Peri Peri sauce, together roused me from my torpor.
I resolved to do great things and made a list.  I'd end
The many wars which take and ruin lives around
The globe, but not at all impartially, since I know who
The bad guys are.  I'd seize the wealth of oligarchs to
Hand out to the cold and hungry, thrusting those who
Had been rich into the starkest poverty.  I'd sabotage
The tanks and missles, confiscate the firearms of those
Who have them in their homes, and force the cops
To leave their cars to get to know the people who they
Claim to be protecting, those they typically harass.
"Oh, life is good.  It could be better," I proclaimed,
But, as the day was nearly done, I dropped my pencil,
Thinking that I'd finish my list and begin to act on it
Tomorrow, maybe, maybe when I next felt so engaged.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 26 times
Written on 2025-03-24 at 18:51

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