Can't sleep not a peep,
Wondering if my time is nigh.
With all the things wrong with me,
Is it time for me to say goodbye?

I get emotional yet I don't know why,
This dementia got a hold of me.
Sometimes I try to hide myself away,
It's not right for a grown man to cry.

For my wife and children I have to be strong,
Even if on this world I don't have that long.
I can't buy four years of life on H P they give,
Not when I'm told I have three years to live.

I've always been one to buck the trends,
No one for sure can say when life will end.
Yet I cannot deny that my minds took a dive,
I'll carry on fighting that way I'll survive.

I'll carry on regardless right to the end,
My heart held together with lashing of glue.
To my wife and children a message I'd send,
It's nicer to be loved and remembered by friends.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 33 times
Written on 2025-03-25 at 05:32

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
You are in my thoughts, my friend.
Blessings, Allen