Ladies Night

A contemptible man has appeared in the alcove. His first
Name is Bertram, he says. You don't care. It's too evident
He's only here for a shot at your privates. You turn and move
Mutely away. The music is crappy, the drinks are too weak.
Your hopes for the evening diminish each second. You head
For the hat check to retrieve your coat. Looking over your
Shoulder, you see Bertram pawing a girl who's probably not
Yet sixteen. Should you save her? Why bother? She shouldn't
Have come. Coat on, a cab called, you wait on the sidewalk,
Pleased to be done with the cocktails and music,
And all of the Bertrams you've seen.

Poetry by Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 30 times
Written on 2025-03-27 at 02:15

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Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh! dear.

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
And some Bertrams masquerade under a different name. Epstein comes to mind. This poem reminds me of some of my demised friend CoolHermit's poems. Another bar, another cocktail, a better time.
Blessings, Allen