You Can't Take Away My Soul
You can take away my heart,You can take away my sleep,
You can take away my peace,
You can take me as a whole,
You can't take away my soul!
Rob me off my rainbow dreams,
Make me restless; make me scream,
With anguish or joy extreme.
Come; take me into your fold!
But, don't take away my soul!
You can lock me up in jail,
You can set my boat on sail,
To Camen Islands in gales.
Drown me in your orb like bowls!
But, don't take away my soul!
You can take my jewels and pearls,
You can take my smiles and curls,
You can take my youth unfurled.
Come; distract me from my goal!
But, don't take away my soul!
My Soul is all I have got,
It is my saviour; it is my lord,
My soul is my inner self,
My soul is my real core,
You can't take away my soul!
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright: Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1314 times
Written on 2006-07-14 at 06:24
Tags Soul 
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