It seems I can't communicate well via computer language. I have published three poems as pj, and one as pjr, but people can't find me. So, I am just going to be me.

Who am I

"Senses of God", "Where Roses Grow", "The Cold Side of The Moon"
I wrote them all as "pj" but found out very soon
that two letters is too short for people searching for me
So I penned "Mac's Day In The Sun" and added an "r" to make three
But "pjr" did not pan out, I'm still lost somewhere on this site
So I pondered all the day and halfway into the night
looking for a name that befits a writer of prose
I decided the best would be, just me, Phyllis J(anet). Rhodes

Poetry by Phyllis J. Rhodes
Read 682 times
Written on 2006-08-23 at 02:27

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Amanda K
Well-done.Was the best choice,indeed.

Thank you marjan, for taking the time to read my little ditty. And I am humbled to know you have the cold side of the moon on your comuputer.

Kathy Lockhart
Now! All done! Just Right! Told your tale oh so well. So welcome Sister Phyliis J. Rhodes to this wonderful place which your little sister found first. so there! kathy

keith nunes
up front - cool

Welcome!! Nice write!