Dealing with another monthly curse


Ugh. I've got to balance the checkbook,
It's sittin there a waitin
ready to mock my efforts
just like it's father Satan.
It feeds his pride to watch me tremble
at all the numbers there.
He knows they won't add up,
I don't even have a prayer.
Add and subtract, divide and conquer,
That's not gonna happen.
I haven't even started yet,
And the deamons are delightin.
The credit column is awfully sparce
I see minus signs everywhere.
I know I'll find I've added wrong
Prepare to be pulled, head a hair.
I've got my teeth grittin n grindin
My toes are curled up tight.
My glasses are perched just so on my nose
I've got the white-out in sight.
I've gathered my brains and willed them steady,
Cursed the devil from Butte to Berlin,
Okay everyone, I finally I'm ready.
Oh crap, now where's my pen?

Poetry by Phyllis J. Rhodes
Read 644 times
Written on 2006-08-31 at 02:31

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hahaa! this is awsome!! a great way of describing this kind of situations! i totally agree with you on this one:D

Kathy Lockhart
OH! Sister, you made me laugh out loud!!! oh, i gotta do that too. yuck....loved the poem though...Isn't this much nicer than paying bills, writing checks, balancing books. Poets should never have to do such things! I said that with my nose in the air as i was falling out of my chair! ouch! teach me to be high and mighty especially when they turn off my lights, gas, broadband! OhNO, must pay bills,must pay bills, repeat it again...trance...oooooooooooooo!

keith nunes
rocky ride and wham ... no bloody pen. good one!