When we've been terrible wronged, we all want justice. But could we stand the justice dealt us for the worng we've done others. Is there a better way?

Better Than Justice

There is no justice I can see
for all the bad that's happened to me
The wrongs pile up without restraint
no questions or checks on my complaints
My family suffers year after year
And no one of substance seems to hear
our calls for help, our calls of pain
The thorns of sorrow still remain
My children suffer, they have no rest
from wounded pasts and daily tests
Is this all there is?
Are their no rewards?
Are we not His?
Are we not bound by His cords?
Love, I have heard, will withstand all
but can it intervene in this endless fall
into the depths of sorrow and woe
Is their no place to hide? No place to go?
He promises safety in His arms
He said He would shield us from evil harms
But it seems Satan has control of our lives
He slashes and stabs us with double blade knives
They open our hears and rip into our souls
They burn into our spirits like white-hot coals
We cry out in darkness. We cannot see light
All rays of hope have run from our sight
Pillows of comfort like wings of a dove
swoop under our fears and we fall into love
When we have nothing left and our strength is all gone
We collapse in His arms and He carries us on
Better than Justice, He gives us Grace
He bathes us in Mercy and we rest in His Peace

Poetry by Phyllis J. Rhodes
Read 460 times
Written on 2006-09-11 at 00:51

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keith nunes
it takes a strong soul to carry the burden of life and then gracefully accept the Lord's comfort. it's hard to understand injustice but i always hope that god's grace will ease the pain and it always does. thanks for your powerful poem phyllis

Kathy Lockhart
The terrible wrongs bring us to question our faith but in the end, we know--He knows we know-- that we will run like children into the arms of our Father to be comforted and reassured. And, because of His Mercy and Grace, He holds us unaccountable for our stumblings. Through it all...He Remains God! He never changes, we do. Great poetry full of honest feelings and of the Greatest of Truths. your sis.