Orignally written for the music challenge...
Let the Music Play (song lyrics)
Let the music play,My heart begins to sway.
My blues are in a fray
In no time chased away.
My soul jumps, takes a spring,
My heart goes ting- a- ling.
My mood begins to rise
Depression takes a flight....
Let the music play
My heart begins to sway...
My feet begin to dance
I go into a trance,
Then I can dance all night,
'Till my legs cramp-up tight,
And I go 'ah!' and 'ooh!'
They come to my rescue-
A little rub or two,
And, I'm set to take the queue...
Let the music play
My heart begins to sway...
When Beethoven comes,
On piano keys he thumps,
My heart begins to jump,
The 'Emperor' makes me buoy,
The 'Pastoral' is my joy,
The 'Coral' is savvy.
And when it's 'Pathetique',
Mine is the best critique...
Let the music play
My heart begins to sway...
The Beatles begin to croon,
My heart begins to swoon,
'Something in the way she moves...'
Sets me in the groove.
'I imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...'
And I begin to dream
And hope begins to gleam...
Let the music play
My heart begins to sway...
When Shakira begins to break
In a hippy, hippy shake
My hips do need a break-
Broad like Jennifer Lopez-
I would rather curl up and read
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
And though it is a craze
I am a little fazed...
Let the music play
My heart begins to sway...
When to comes to Indian Classic,
I am mallow and classy,
When Ravi Shanker plays,
I close my eyes - meditate:
My soul's on another trip,
That soothes my senses, cools the spirit
It feeds my soul, and I
Am at peace for days...
Let the music play,
My heart begins to sway...
Play me any tune,
And I am in tune,
It is my good fortune,
I go with the mood of the song
And joyfully sing along.
And when it's the blues
Reggie, serenade or Jazz
Why am I sad, no clues?
Let the music play,
My heart begins to sway...
Music is in my blood
I love, when like a flood
It gushes in my veins,
Just like torrential rains,
Through me it circulates,
And my being reverberates
With every note and chord
All off its own accord...
Let the music play
My heart begins to sway
My blues are chased away...
Sweet memories it brings
In my heart is eternal spring...
Author; Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1247 times
Written on 2006-09-15 at 12:10
Tags Music 

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