The enchantment of first kiss with the loved one is unequaled, the world goes around, like a whirlwind, blood rushes to the temples, heart races like crazy, something melts deep inside, a warmth envelops our whole being...

Enchantment of the first kiss (repost for the Kiss challenge)

He had just put his hand around my waist
How I melted into that embrace,
How his lips came upon my lips
Oh! The enchantment of the first kiss!
His breath mint fresh like a silky breeze,
That enveloped me from crease to crease,
The heart was mine but the throbbing his,
The blood was mine but the warmth was his,
He swept me off my feet in his embrace,
We burnt the dance floor with our grace,
Whirling and whirling like a Darvesh,
Stars were twinkling in my eyes,
Something was melting deep inside,
We were moving welded into one,
Round and round, in enchanted fun,
Sinking and sinking away I went,
Deep down the valley of sensual joy,
That he had me in his power he knew,
Yet he held me as tender as dew,
But I evaporated anyway,
As one kissed by the first sunray,
That greets the dewdrop when it wakes,
My sacrifice at his alter was done!
He did not have to do anything,
I came of my own unto him...

Author : Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya zaidi

Photo: The 'Kiss' by Auguste Rodin

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 959 times
Written on 2006-09-27 at 05:07

Tags Romance 

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You said it! The first kiss is just like this!


Oh, Zoya! How beautiful!! Such a delightful, sensuous, vivid description of a very important moment...what a lovely write!!

Sweet! Lovely poem.

The perfect repost! I was hoping you would!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there Zoya

this is a lovely poem and so nice to see it reposted here rgds mike

Kathy Lockhart
what a beautiful experience. I felt the dancing, the swaying, the swooning. Ah, now I am remembering my first kiss...What a nice memory....i think i will take it to bed with me now and perhaps to dream...
: ) kathy

Awwwww perfect Zoya~ I will with great joy add this to my Kiss Challenge

a lovely addition my dear


Wow, you go girl!!! you go girl!!!