Lost in love.

Lost upon the oceans of your blue eyes

Never thought I could feel this way
It's not a way to go
It's not a dream to come true
It's just pathetic me

You're so young, cute and sweet
The moon is far away
But when you smile, hearts melt away
and I am lost you'll see

It doesn't matter if you'd insist, the road is too damn long
Even if the feelings seem so strong

I'm lost in your appearance
I'm lost, forever gone
Lost upon the oceans of your blue eyes

I walked down to the beach, to hear the waves roll in
smashing on the cliffs, the water's misty spray
The sand was cold, some dogs strayed
My mind was far away
an image of a love, I tried not to go insane

Knock, knock, I heard someone calling at my door
and there she stood in all her glance,
telling what she was here for
The girl said: I'm coming, lad
I'd come to bring you home
T'was only a dream, that suddenly was gone

It doesn't matter if you'd insist, the road is too damn long
Even if the feelings seem so strong

I'm lost in your appearance
I'm lost, forever gone
Lost upon the oceans of your blue eyes

Poetry by Richard
Read 1370 times
Written on 2006-10-02 at 12:24

Tags Lost  Oceans  Eyes 

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I had no idea you felt this way but this has made it clear. Hindsight is an exact science.

Zoya Zaidi
Beautiful mystical, mysterious and intriguing quality to this heartfelt and from-the-soul write!
Now, who is Emelen?
Not our Emelen?
Or is it?
If so you are luckly, and so is she to have you!

Welcom to the bay!


Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh Richard . Once I cried in your presence , so lost in your lyrical universe , so lost in my own red tragedy . Nobody does it quite like you . Seeing your words here , painting the beaches where my heart is buried decodes my every tear .

Beautifully lost. Welcome to the bay... and dont try to show me the way outta the mist around this write, its too soon still!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi there Richard this is a beautiful love poem and its so deep in your love

i am a love poet primarily so welcome to the bay and may I say Cinnamon eyes do it for me though I know what you mean lolololl well done rgds mike