Algarve no. 2 - For Jill, 1976 Algarve, living in Praia da Rocha.

Isn't it the third time that counts?

Isn't it the third time that counts?
And I can go anywhere
to make you understand
And if it's possible, try to make it reasonable.

//But I'd like to tell you, that I want your here and now//
Oh, isn't it the third time that counts.

Someone asked me, what are you thinking of?
And without reflection, I just fairly answered:
"I'm thinking of an orange juice and a flower"

A flower that went her way in the early sunny morn'
That's when I got the feeling of being used
I admit I didn't like it but what to do?

She took the bus for Faro, just like that
So I'm running around in circles out of mind.
What the hell is going on and how long could I stand
What the hell is going on and how long could you stand?

//Leaving and coming and coming and leaving,
That's not my life//

Oh, isn't it the third time that counts?

Poetry by Richard
Read 641 times
Written on 2010-04-19 at 03:21

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I was hoping it was third time lucky for you. the first 2 stanzas seem to tell me you would try for even more than a third time.