Scottish twin, whose sister tore the letters I wrote while she was bearing a baby in a scottish convent.
How fate split our ways.
And how beautiful was her name.
The daughter is called Dawn Melody.

Anne Georgina Bendall

Oh, the time is flowing by and is passed by the memories
I'd like to share some of them with you if you dare.

Too short time in your embrace but your tenderness was seeping through
like a dried-up-river waiting for winter's snow to melt.

With the winter, on it's way, drizzling rain in my face
as I call for you in my longing dreams to be here.

Chilly winds a-blowing, sweeping memories away
as the trees loosing their leaves in the autumn mist.

Anne Georgina Bendall, please write a letter to me,
Anne Georgina Bendall, please write a letter to me.

But your sister tore my letters to pieces
What could I do
So far away from my love that was true,

No reply of my hopes and these words could reach you
only if the wind would be kind enough bringing them to you.

Poetry by Richard
Read 732 times
Written on 2006-10-22 at 02:21

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Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
I find myself coming back to this write . It is so delicate and utterly strange with its language set in J.Austen time . This write is simply divine .